Calling all potential EKOSingers!
Have you thought about joining EKOSingers? Auditions for the 2014-15 season are starting today and will continue through September 5. This year promises to be especially rewarding musically, as we gear up for our long anticipated trip to New Orleans during spring break 2015. We are very excited about this opportunity, since New Orleans is the epicentre of many of the kinds of music we love performing as a choral group. We will be participating in workshops with local musicians, exploring the French Quarter, and of course enjoying the vibrant live music scene (and maybe even seeing some alligators).
There are openings in all voices this year, and as usual there is a particular demand for men's voices, so don't be shy. Come check us out. The auditions are short and low-key, giving you a chance to meet our director Paula Roberts as well as meet and ask questions of a couple EKOSingers who will be there to greet you.
During the year you can look forward to a full program of musical events and activities, from our main Christmas concert and associated community performances in the fall season, to our annual Battle Lake retreat weekend, and grand finale performances in May. There are likely to be one of two special workshops during the year with outside clinicians, and then of course our New Orleans adventure.
You can find more information about joining EKOSingers and the answers to many practical questions here. Don't hesitate to contact us with further questions.